Category: BPM
BPM Timer Process java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/bpm/runtime/quartz/trigger/TriggerWithReschedule
Following issue came because one of the library could not be loaded. So you need to add that library to lib directory of your SOA domain. Go to the /oracle/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1/soa/modules and then copy the oracle.bpm.runtime.classloader-util.jar jar file. Go to /oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/[domain_name]/lib directory and past that file. restart the servers, hope this will help. javax.ejb.EJBException: EJB Exception: :…
Oracle BPM 12c vacation rule
Recently I was trying to use Oracle BPM 12c vacation rule but it was not working for me. I also posted on Oracle community and following was the detailed problem. Oracle BPM 12c vacation rule issue How it worked for me then? So go to your .task file of that user like manager in my…