Category: JDeveloper

  • Jdeveloper windows not showing

     Problems: Jdeveloper windows are not showing properly  Solution: Rename or delete this file from Jdeveloper direcotry  windowinglayout.xml just search it and delete it second option  Reset windows to factory settings 

  • Adding and Using Jar files in Oracle ADF Application/Project

    In this project i will show how to add and use a Jar file of some other ADF Project in your ADF application. First create a Jar file which you want to use in your ADF application and then add them into your application by using following procedure. 1) In your Oracle ADF application go…

  • Displaying alternative values for specific attributes in Oracle ADF

    Sometime we come across such type of requirement in Oracle ADF when we want to display some alternative value of attribute based on some condition. For example if we have a column in database that represents status of something, then instead of storing whole word like “Approve”, “Reject”, “Pending” etc we can just store “A”,…

  • Create Sequence in Oracle ADF

    In this post i will show how we can create and use sequence in Oracle ADF by using Groovy expression. First create a sequence in your database then use the following code to implement it. (new oracle.jbo.server.SequenceImpl(“PURCHASEREQ_SEQ”,adf.object.getDBTransaction())).getSequenceNumber() here PURCHASEREQ_SEQ is my sequence name that I have created in Database. See the below snapshot for clarification.…

  • Delete Multiple records in Oracle ADF Table

    In this post i am going to show how to delete multiple records in Oracle ADF table. You can select multiple records and then delete them in one transaction instead of doing one by one. 1) Create a new fusion application and create Employees entity object, then its view object. 2) Create an application module…

  • Oracle ADF Dynamic Region, Runtime content changing

    In one of my projects, I have a requirement to change pages at run time when somebody click on a link .I have used ADF dynamic region to achieve this. Here i will show you how to implement dynamic region in Oracle ADF. 1) Create two entity objects named employees and departments and then their…

  • What is Oracle ADF Mobile AMX

    AMX stand for ADF Mobile XML, It is a subframewok within ADF mobile. It provides different components for development of mobile applications for example Layout, data and fields components. It is valid for both iOS and android phones. AMX also supports some of Oracle ADF components, data controls, bindings and the expression language.

  • Oracle ADF Mobile , ADF Mobile Performance, Future of ADF mobile

        I was very confused about Oracle ADF Mobile. I was confused whether Oracle ADF Mobile future will be good or not. ADF Mobile performance was another confusion . Should we start learning ADF mobile and what about the Market of ADF mobile. I discussed these things on ADF OTN forum and the replied…

  • About Oracle ADF future and Importance of ADF for Java Developer

    Recently I have read a very useful article about Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Importance, future and ADF importance for Java developer. I have read many blogs and other forums where people have asked about future of Oracle ADF and I myself was one of them :P. But I realized that with the passage of time…

  • Increase LOV size in Oracle ADF JDeveloper

    Some Time we need to increase the LOV (List of Values) Size in Oracle ADF form. So to Increase its size 1) Click On the LOV 2) Go To properties 3) Then go to “Content Style” Property 4) write “width:190px” in it and then save the Project. 5) Now the Size of LOV will Increase